The Temptress: Tempting the Devil’s son

CHAPTER 10 Tragic end!!!


In an enormous living room, a man named Jacob Killian was seated on of the exquisite couches with a glass of whiskey in his hands and a picture frame of a beautiful woman.

His eyes were red from the tears he had shed earlier and his heart felt heavy and it hurt so much. The love of his life was dead and soon he would be too. He pretty much knew that Shane already ordered for his execution. Shane was a dangerous man, it was impossible to escape from his grasp. At least, he knew he would soon be reunited with the love of his life.

As he gulped down the entire content of the glass, the brownish liquid burned his throat. He stroked the woman’s face on the frame and let out a bitter smile. He brought the picture to his face and gave it a light peck.

“Gross.” A small voice mumbled from behind him and a sudden shudder of dread ran down his spine. He felt his hands quake in fright as Blake ambled over to where he sat. What was he doing here? How did he get in here? Those were the questions that ran through his troubled mind.

Blake sat on a couch opposite him and smirked, “Your father-in-law already ordered for your assassination and mine. What a fool! Of course, I can’t let him kill you. You’re mine to kill and just like your son, you will beg for your life, but I’ll still kill you anyways,” he revealed with an evil smirk.

The man flared upon hearing what he said. Even though, he didn’t love his wife, he loved his son so much and he meant the world to him. He was going to avenge his son’s death.

“You bastard!” He reached for a pocket knife in his pocket and dashed towards the boy.

“I’ll kill you, you son of a bitch!” He proceeded to stab the boy but his hands were halted midway. His eyes widened in dismay as he no longer had control of his hands. Before his very eyes, he stabbed his belly with his own hands!

He felt a nipping pain pierce his abdomen, a loud grunt escaped his lips as blood spurted out of the wound. He tried to scream for help but before he could utter a word, the knife slashed his throat. Blood gushed out of his neck like a fountain and he began choke on his own blood.

“Don’t worry Jacob, you can go be with your son and Katelyn.” He let out an evil laugh and watched the man slumped to the floor. Dead. In the pool of his own blood. Shane, you’re next!


Jessica was led into the interrogation room by a policewoman. Her gloomy face brightened when she saw her father, his expression was not pleasant.


“Uncuff her and leave us. I want to speak to her alone.”

“Yes sir!” She did as she was instructed and left the room. Father and daughter gazed at each other with utter silence, Jessica not daring to speak. Shane’s face held an ugly expression.

“Father…” A thunderous slap hit her face cutting her words short.

“You useless child! I told you to stay low. Do you know what your irrational actions have cost me? I’m at the verge of loosing the elections. Because of you!” He bellowed in anger, his body practically shaking in an unbridled rage.

She went on her knees and began to weep profusely. “Father, please I’m sorry. Do not forsake me. You’re all that I have, my mother abandoned me, my husband doesn’t want me, my son is dead!”

The man calmed down a little on seeing his daughter’s misery. A frown was still painted on his face as he told, “The news is everywhere, so this case now has public attention. You will have to be tried and my lawyers will do their best to prolong the case until the election. When the elections are over, we will find a way to bury this.”

Jessica became elated upon hearing this. The election was just in two weeks time. Soon she would be free and all her enemies would be crushed!

Emily Houston and her son would be the first to taste her wrath. Then she would come for Jacob, that ingrate!

He turned around and was about to leave but he stopped on his track as though he remembered something.

“After all this is over, I’m sending you to London and you must never step foot on US soil!” He added and ambled out of the room without waiting for her reply.


A grimace of hate and rage became painted on Shane’s face when he thought about the implications of what Blake had done. It would have been a lot easier to cover it up with just a few people knowing but now, the whole world knew.

That boy… He had to die.

This situation would be favorable for him anyway as he would use it to get the sympathy of the people and Jessica would be the sacrifical lamb but just for a while.

He loved Jessica, despite being his illegitimate daughter born of a whore. Her mother’s background was dirty and that was why until now, her existence remained hidden. He didn’t want her to soil his name which she did anyways. Jessica had always been rash and illogical as a child and she lacked the proper etiquette beffiting of the upper class.

“Sir, everything is ready for the press conference.” His P. A announced from the passenger’s seat.

“What about Jacob? Did you do what I asked you to do?”

“He was already dead before our men got there. He committed suicide.”

Shane scoffed and muttered with disdain, “He has always been a coward even in death. What a loser! Good riddance.”

“What about that Boy Blake? I want him and his mother dead before midnight.” He commanded without an ounce of pity in his voice. All his offenders had to die!

When this was all over, I’ll kill that boy Liam and his parents. Killing him now will be too suspicious. He thought.

The car he was riding in suddenly took a sharp turn causing his head to bump hard against the windscreen.

“What happened?” He thundered, his head bleeding from the impact.

“I don’t know sir, it’s like I’ve lost control of the car. Nothing seems to be working,” The driver panicked trying endlessly to hit the brakes but it didn’t yield.

“What do you mean nothing’s working. Stop this car!” Shane bellowed in fright and anger.

“I can’t, the brake system aren’t working, the steering isn’t either. It’s like some else is driving the car!” The driver screamed, his face held intense fear. The car suddenly swerved to the right.

The P. A began making quick phone calls. Shane who was seated at the back seat began to breath in anguish as blood leaked from his head but he didn’t seem to care.

His heart began pacing at a thunderous rate. His chest ached in unbearable pain as he slowly felt the air in his lungs elude him and it became harder to breathe. He was having a panic attack.

“Don’t panic sir. I already called the boys to set up traffic spikes.” Just when he was about to heave in relief, the car swerved as it narrowly avoided hitting another car.

As they approached the spot where the traffic spikes had been laid out, the car suddenly took a rough turn and began speeding off in the opposite direction.

It happened so fast and in just a few seconds the car collided with a fast moving truck, that sent it flying ten feets above the ground. It hit the ground with a huge boom and the car soon burst into flames.

From where Blake was seated in his sitting room, a smirk of victory became painted on his face. Three down, one to go. Jessica’s death was gonna be a much more slow and painful death!


In the waiting area of the prison facility, Blake let out an evil smirk as he waited to see the woman he had made live in misery for a year. It was time for her to die, especially now that he graduated high school and would soon be moving to New york with his mother.

After the death of her father, no one wanted to help her, so she was smoothly sent to jail after a fair trail. For a year, Blake had enjoyed making her suffer and making her wish she were dead.

He would manipulate her co-prisoners to beat her to pup. And then she would suffer from mysterious and agonizing sickness that would almost claim her life. And when she thought she was finally gonna leave the world, she would miraclously recover. It was like death was toiling with her.

She attempted suicide a couple of times, but she just refused to die. She was his to kill. Unless he wanted her dead, she couldn’t die. In as much as he would want to make her suffer her entire life, he didn’t want to leave any loose ends behind.

A wretched looking woman with bruises and scars all over her face and body was brought in by a female warden. She looked like a shadow of past self and she had completely emaciated.

On seeing the boy, her pale face became red with in​dig​na​tion. She picked up the phone and immediately lashed out, “What are you doing here? After what you did to my family! You bastard!”

Blake smirked and answered back, “I see one year in prison hasn’t changed you. You still got a sharp tongue.”

“You demon! You killed my father, my son, my husband and my unborn child! I hate you. I wish you could just die!” She screamed so hard that she soon started coughing.

“I will grant you the one thing you long for the most, death. Your family’s been waiting for you for a long time. I’m sure they would be more than happy to see you,” he whispered, his lips curling devilishly.

“Blake you devil! You’re not human!” Her thin body began shaking in unbridled rage and she looked like she would die any moment.

“You’re right. I’m not human and I’m a devil just like you said. You messed with the wrong guy and you will pay with your life. I just came to tell you I just graduated high school. Too bad Mark wasn’t alive to witness it,” He confessed with a taunting smile. He rose from the seat and then Jessica started raining insults on him wishing she could inflict injuries on him but because of the glass separating them, she couldn’t.


As Jessica and the warden began approaching her cell. Jessica griped onto chest with her cuffed hands and screamed from the intense pain she felt.

It felt like someone was holding her heart and squeezing it so hard. The pain was so intense that she felt like she would pass out any moment.

“What’s wrong?” The warden asked suspiciously.

“My chest…” Before she could complete her sentence, she felt that intense pain again but not just her heart was hurting, her lungs too and it became even harder to breathe. Her legs grew weak and she fell to the ground, her breath raspy.

The warden soon began callling for help and shortly after, the woman was put on a stroller and wheeled out of the prison facility.

An oxygen mask was placed on her nose and Jessica smiled as she stared at the blue sky for a brief moment. She was glad that the sky was the last thing she would ever see.


He finally let her go. She slowly felt life draining from her veins and just like that, darkness followed.


Hmm… Jessica is finally dead! Who’s ready to see grown up Blake? Then, stay tuned for the next chapter!

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